Residential Concrete Block Fence and Fencing
Written by Dennis Kleinman
Noisy Neighbors? Not Anymore!
When you’re sitting in your backyard, relaxing after a long day, the last thing you want is to be bothered by noisy neighbors in the yard next to yours, or your neighbors listening in on your private conversations. StoneTree® Concrete Fences provide residential fencing that minimizes the transfer of sound, reducing the noise being transferred to either side of your wall, whether it’s from neighbors, your own conversations, traffic or other sound-producing nuisance.
Beautiful Home Fence
Until recently, residential fence styles were limited to decorative but insubstantial options such as vinyl, chain link, post-and-beam and wood picket fences, or costly and sometimes unattractive alternatives such as stone, brick or CMU block. Now, there is an affordable, aesthetically pleasing residential fencing design alternative to surround your home. Formed from solid concrete to look like a concrete block fence.
Concrete Fence Walls
StoneTree® Concrete Fence Walls are vertically cast to ensure that a highly defined and natural-looking texture such as ashlar stone, stacked stone, river rock, coral stone, field stone, split face block or slate block is formed on BOTH sides of the wall to look like a concrete block fence. This means your home will be enclosed by a fence which looks beautiful from all directions.
Long-Lasting, Low Maintenance Residential
StoneTree® Precast Concrete Residential Fence Walls are economical, stable and robust. During the concrete fence installation process, they receive a stained sealant that protects them from the elements, vital to ensuring their longevity for generations to come.
Wood Fences Require Maintenance
Wood fences require a lot of maintenance, having to be re-stained or painted, costing both time and money. Vinyl fences are not as versatile against the elements, and need excessive maintenance or to be replaced when excessive heat or cold temperatures cause the vinyl to deteriorate and warp or crack.
StoneTree® Residential Concrete Block Fence Wall
Surrounding your house with a StoneTree® Residential concrete block Fence Wall, which requires very little upkeep, means that you can spend your valuable time, energy and money on more rewarding pursuits.